Deer Shed 25th - 28th July 2025
Baldersby Park, Topcliffe, N Yorks

Baldersby Park, Topcliffe, N Yorks

25th - 28th July 2025

Leeds Chargers American Football

Leeds Chargers American Football

The only women's American Football team in West Yorkshire (based in Leeds) is coming to Deer Shed for the first time. They will be teaching you the basics of the sport, as well as all sorts of American Football workout drills to give you a taste of the NFL life style. So whilst you're there why don't you convince your parents to have a go too?! We quite fancy a Deer Shed NFL All stars Festival Tournament in 2025. Don't you?

And if you're lucky you might even get to try on some of the team kit too. F,DI



Can you imagine a distant alien race gazing down on Earth from outer space to see some of the crazy pursuits us humans partake in? This sport would probably count as one of those. Slacklining: a haulage strap ratcheted between two trees or some other fixed object for person after person to regularly fall off in comical fashion.

Oops, sorry we mean for person after person to regularly balance on. Mwahaha...foolish earthlings.F,DI

Yorkshire Assassins Flag Football

Yorkshire Assassins Flag Football

Flag is the fastest growing format of the game not only in Great Britain, but across the world, where professional leagues such as the American Flag Football League (AFFL) and the newly established NFL Flag are starting to spring up. It is a high-octane, non-contact version of American football, where tackles are made by pulling off flags which all players wear on their hips. So super safe but also super fun.

Yorkshire Assassins, alongside the Leeds Chargers, will be teaching flag football onsite and we just can't wait! F,DI

KAPOW Wrestling Workshop & Demos

KAPOW Wrestling Workshop & Demos

You enter the ring; the world championship belt sparkling in your hand as the crowd chant your name... Whether you've been dreaming of it for years or it's your first time in the square circle, the KAPOW Wrestling Federation are back in Baldersby Park to run their famous workshops!

Real-life wrestlers will be on hand teach you how to safely perform some iconic moves, from old-school physical feats like the hip toss and hammer throw and showcase some contemporary technical moves like the gorilla press gutbuster or the inverted death valley driver. Ouch! F,DI

Nerf Gun Arena

Nerf Gun Arena

You hold your breath and steady your aim, lining up the target in your sights…

You squeeze the trigger and, in the blink of an eye, one of those little, orange foam darts has pinged off your dad's head, much to the amusement of everyone watching.

It really doesn't get much better, does it? Foam warfare at its finest, we couldn’t be more excited to have none other than Team Nerf here at Deer Shed to show us how it’s done. Full of obstacles and hiding spots, our Nerf Arena is where heroes are made and husbands are humiliated.F,SU



Perhaps the most exciting aquatic addition to Deer Shed for quite some time and arguably one of the most popular, of course Kayaking is back for Deer Shed 2024!

You lot made such a splash out at Baldersby Park last year there would have been uproar if we hadn't invited the team back. Brought to us by C2C Outdoors, if you're looking for a romantic gondola - this isn't it!

The games and activities we've got planned are the perfect way to learn the basics of kayaking before putting your skills to the test in a race against your mates.£,PB

LS10 Skateboard Sessions

LS10 Skateboard Sessions

Been practicing your bar spins? Landed your first 900?

Whether you’re a pro or fresh on the scene, we present the perfect opportunity for you to work on your gnarly moves.

By the time you’re done, you’ll be bunnyhopping around the festival and kick flipping with the best of them. Radical! F,SU.

Football Slalom!

Football Slalom!

There's a World Record for everything these days, from the longest fingernails to the amount of Big Macs consumed in a life time. But we think we've found one craze that Deer Shedders will love. Football Slalom's! To date the world record for the fastest 20 cone dribbling slalom is 15.78 sec, and was achieved by the Canadian Daniel Mazey in 2023.

So Shedders your challenge awaits on the planes of the Sports Field, are you up for it! F,DI

Space Moon Hoppers

Space Moon Hoppers

The Space Hopper first rise to fame was in Terry Cooper's humorous science fiction trilogy Kangazang featuring space hoppers (referred to as "Hoppas"), who are depicted as an alien race living on the planet Profania Alpha. Terry had the right idea, a regular feature in the sports field at Deer Shed over the years, we felt with retro futures theme, it was only fitting for you to grab your space hopper and moon hop across the sports field onsite.F,DI.

That Classic Game of Football!!

That Classic Game of Football!!

Fancy yourself as the next Messi? Well you're in luck, we've got dedicated football coaches onsite this year to run drills, demos and games across the weekend. There'll be organised matches and training so even if you're less David Beckham and more David Brent we'll be by your side to improve your game (or just enjoy a friendly kickabout with your mates). F,DI.

Hola Your Hula

Hola Your Hula

Zoey Deschanel, Kelly Osbourne and Beyoncé are just three of the celebrities who claim Hula-Hooping as part of their regular fitness regime. So grab your Deer Shed crew and get them practicing their hula skills int he sports field this year. Who can hula for the longest? Or if your more of an advanced hula pro add some tricks and skills to impress your friends, there's plenty of time to top up those skills or learn a new one. Hey, if it's good enough for Beyoncé, it's good enough for us! F,DI

DSF Rounders Crew

DSF Rounders Crew

Some call it British Baseball. The Irish call it Cluiche Corr. We call it awesome! Nothing says summer time more than a game of rounders in the park, right? Well, we've got you covered!

The official Rounders Crew are back once again; their bases fully loaded with bats, balls and even teammates at the ready. All you need to bring is you! F,DI.

Easy Riders (U5's)

Easy Riders (U5's)

Being in control of how we carry ourselves can have a massive impact on our physical and phycological well-being.

So, we’ve asked Easy Riders' James Hodgson back to the sports field of Deer Shed to help our under 5's feel the benefits of the cycling buzz early.

We're sure they won't mind if some bigger Deer Shedders happen to join in too...F,DI.

Do It Yourself Sports

Do It Yourself Sports

A Deer Shed institution, our DIY Sports station covers just about anything you can think of where you won't need one of our expert instructors/referees/judges on hand.

If you fancy a quick five-a-side kickabout or a round or two of rounders, DIY Sports has got your covered. However, we're especially interested in the new games you ever-resourceful Shedders invent...

Maybe this is finally the year that Basket-bowls takes the world by storm! F,DI.

Ball On A String

Ball On A String

We've just realised that 'Ball On A String' can be sung to the tune of 'Band On The Run' so that's going to be stuck in our head for the foreseeable future...

Now that we think about it though, is there a better soundtrack for the recoil-based hilarity of hitting a ball that's attached to a piece of string via high tensile elastic?

So, strap in, channel your inner Macca and let fly! F,DI.