Please complete the form below to start the Deer Shed 2025 volunteer application process.
Required field.
Email (if you are applying for yourself and a partner please use your individual email addresses)
Postal Address
Address 1
Address 2
All address fields required (apart from Address 2).
Contact Number (if you are applying for yourself and a partner please use your individual contact numbers)
What age will you be on Friday 25th July 2025? (Please note you must be 18 to volunteer with us and there will be ID checks onsite)
You must be 18 or over to apply.
Have you volunteered at Deer Shed before?
If you have answered 'returning volunteer' please let us know which year(s) and which role(s) you've done at Deer Shed
Required field as you have stated you are a returning volunteer.
Have you already purchased a standard weekend ticket?
If you have purchased a ticket already please write the order reference number below:
Required field as you have stated that you have already purchased a standard weekend ticket.
Please provide an emergency contact name, and their relationship to you, and contact number for them (e.g. Jane Doe, Mother, 07123 456789)
Emergency contact name
Emergency contact relationship
Emergency contact phone number
Required fields
If you have any pre-existing medical conditions that we should know about, or you'd like us to be aware of, please write details below
If you require a Personal Assistance Ticket in order to volunteer/attend then please let us know below. Provide details if you feel comfortable doing so, otherwise we can discuss via email/phone
Is your preference to volunteer during the festival weekend or pre/post festival?
Required field
Volunteer Role & Date Preferences
The majority of our volunteer shifts happen throughout the festival weekend (Fri- Sun) and you are required to do 2 x 4 hour shifts or 1 x 8 hour shift as a festival volunteer. Please note, roles are allocated on a first come, first served basis; we work through applications chronologically and we will be in touch with your shifts in 2024.
Using the grid below, please let us know what type of roles you'd like to do with us, and which days you'd prefer to volunteer during the festival weekend. We'll try our best to find a role that fits - but please be as flexible as possible and understand that shifts are allocated on a first come/first served basis.
We also have a very limited number of roles before and after the festival (allocated on a first come, first served basis).If you would like to volunteer pre or post festival, please select which days you are available below. These shifts can require lifting as they are build/break roles. Please ensure you have also selected some alternative shift options during the weekend (via grid above) as we cannot guarantee you will get a slot pre or post festival.
Tuesday 22nd July Wednesday 23rd July Thursday 24th July Monday 28th July Tuesday 29th July Wednesday 30th July - litter picking Wednesday 30th July - decor take down
If you are volunteering with others and would like to request shifts together - or require alternating shifts due to childcare - please write their names below and state whether you're requesting the shifts to be together or alternating. We do our best to accommodate your needs but please note shifts are allocated on a first come, first served basis and you may need to be flexible regarding the role type and/or day allocated.
Do you have any additional comments regarding your application? Please include any relevant information here as we use this form to allocate your shift(s) and we cannot guarantee that we will be able to change your shift(s) once allocated.
By writing your name below, you are confirming your application with us
Please enter the answer the following simple maths sum to validate your applcation - enter your answer in the box below using digits (not as words)
What is 4 + 6 ?
Incorrect answer